SuperFan Collector Player

- Connect with your collection like never before with Personal SuperFan Collector Membership. - For ALL product lines are you a superfan of! - Live access to daily price updates for all eligible items, giving you insight into the real appraisal value of your collection. - Instant access to new pre-orders as new products are released. - Ability to earn an Affiliate % for referring sales to local game stores as other SuperFans are finding products Always In Stock within the Game Store Network. - Access to global buylists of all CrystalCommerce Professional Retailer Exhibitors. - Keep live inventory of your collection(s). - Allow your friends to trade with you electronically. - Connect with your favorite sellers directly from your Collection Admin. - Offer to buy specific items you are looking for. - Upgrade to Retailer for options to turn your hobby into a business and your passions into profits!
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